Inspired by Oxfam’s belief that poverty is not inevitable, but an injustice perpetuated by the actions and inactions of mankind, Join the 100% is a call to action for a positive unification of society and an invitation to everyone–rich and poor–to join Oxfam in fighting for a world where 100% of humanity enjoys the same basic rights. It’s a reminder that if we weren’t so divided by politics and economics — if we put the focus on the human race — we could end the injustice of poverty.
At a time when our country feels more divided than ever, we chose to highlight what unites us and emphasize what’s possible when we stand together, share responsibility and focus on our common humanity. Because 100% of people deserve equal rights. 100% need access to clean water, food, shelter, an education and the ability to earn a living wage. Even now, when we can’t all seem to agree on anything, we can agree on that.